Who we are

Carer Support Dorset supports all unpaid carers, from 5 years upwards, in Dorset. Our aim is to create a society which understands and supports unpaid carers. We operate as part of Carer Support Wiltshire which is a registered charity (Charity no: 1092762).

We help carers to access services, information, education and training, respite, and breaks from their caring role. We ensure they have a voice that is heard and work with health and social care professionals and employers to raise carer awareness and develop best practice.

We work towards a future where:

  • Carers have better health and well-being.
  • Carers can make choices about their caring role and access the right support and services for the person they care for.
  • Carers needs, their voices and the contribution they make to society are recognised and valued.

Our vision and mission

Our vision

A society which understands and support unpaid carers.

Our mission

Improving life for all unpaid carers by:

  • Listening to and meeting their needs;
  • Providing information to give them choices;
  • Giving them a voice;
  • Influencing and raising awareness of unpaid caring.

Our values

Our values are that we are carer-focused, creative, have integrity, we collaborate and we empower.

Read our latest strategy and business plan document

Why we are needed

It is estimated that over 11% of people in Dorset are caring for someone. With many not recognising themselves as carers these numbers are expected to be much higher.

How we work

We have a range of services that can be tailored to fit your needs as a carer including our phone line, regular training opportunities, events, a befriending service and specific support for young carers.

We work alongside health and care organisations across the Dorset county area to create an integrated working in partnership to recognise, support and value unpaid carers of all ages..

These organisations include:

  • Bournemouth Christchurch & Poole Council including BCP Carer Support
  • Dorset Council
  • Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust
  • NHS Dorset
  • Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust (Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Hospitals)
  • Help & Care, Leonardo Trust, Rethink Dorset Carers Service, Dorset Carers Hub and Pramacare

This reflects the vision of Our Dorset (Dorset’s integrated care system) that councils, NHS bodies and the voluntary sector work together to achieve through joined-up health and care services, linking together with community resources to support people and carers to look after themselves and promote their wellbeing.

How we are funded

We rely on funding from Dorset Council and NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group, companies, trusts, charities, and many others including those who fundraise or make donations to make a difference to the lives of carers. We are proud to be a network partner of the Carers Trust – the leading national charity for carers in the UK.

Read the NHS England Commitment to Carers

Supporter Charter

We couldn’t do all that we do without your support, and we endeavour to be honest, accountable and respectful in all that we do. Read more about our Supporter Charter.